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Men SHOULD Moisturize too!

Men SHOULD Moisturize too!

Since we've been selling moisturizing products, we cannot count the number of men who told us they do not moisturize their face. We do not even want to talk about those who use harsh bars of soap on their face. YIKES!!! For the sake of this blog, we will leave out the cleanser conversation and stick with reasons why men should moisturize their face on a daily basis. As you age, just like your female counterparts, your skin becomes more prone to wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots. There is no way around this unless you are a genetically prone to NOT age and we highly doubt that. Here are three simple reasons why you should moisturize your face:

1. Smoother complexion - moisturized facial skin is happy and healthy-looking facial skin

2. Reduces Dry Skin - Helps to restore the moisture balance in your skin.

3. Calms redness and itchiness - properly moisturized can help protect your skin from cold weather to the sun beating down on it on a hot summer day. The environment can be damaging, so don't further irritate it by walking out with the simplest of moisturizer on your face.

We could get into the different types of moisturizers, sunscreens, hyaluronic acid, etc., but we promised to keep our blogs simple. We promise to circle back around and talk about these type products in detail. For now, we just need ALL men to moisturize. KEEPING IT SIMPLE FOR NOW!!


For all men looking for a simple, basic moisturizer that is super hydrating to the skin, lightweight, great for all skin types, try our AM/PM Facial Moisturizer for Men. Click the link below:

AM/PM Facial Moisturizer – Bedewed Skin (


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